Reputation Management Is Key To Controlling Your Image Online

Posted on: April 29th, 2014 by G8xkOJ7eP9a

Reputation Management Is Key To Controlling Your Image OnlineWhat is reputation management? You’ve probably heard people talking about it, even if they didn’t use that term. A form of reputation management is in play every time someone decides to “shape” their public image by consciously selecting what they’ll share online.

These days, companies look on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn first before making a decision about whether to hire or promote someone. Internet users have gotten more savvy about how they present themselves online – but it’s even more important for businesses.

When it comes to reputation management, your main goal is to ensure information that presents you in a positive and flattering light is seen before anything else. Individuals have an advantage here, since they have a lot of control over what they post.

However, businesses can fall prey to sabotage from biased reviews and other issues that can give the public a poor first impression. Luckily, there are many good ways to counter negative material:

— Distribute content that demonstrates your thought leadership and place in the local community.
— Get involved in social media conversations with experts in your industry and with customers.
— Eliminate biased or inaccurate information and replace it with positive reviews or testimonials.

Wondering What Others Will Think About Your Brand? Search For Yourself And Find Out

Searching for yourself online through Google, Yahoo, or Bing used to be known as “egosurfing,” and it had negative connotations. As a business, however, being aware of any new material that’s about you or attributed to you is absolutely critical.

Unfortunately, so much changes on the internet every day that the first challenge becomes sorting through it all. Using the right combination of news services, “alerts,” and online savvy, Net Advantage Media can find out fast whenever new content about your business is posted.

Of course, reputation management isn’t all about damage control. With a proactive reputation management strategy, you can find out fast whenever customers are posting positive reviews or your strategic partners are lauding your work, and help amplify those voices.

Reputation management is absolutely crucial to your business, now and in the future. To work with an expert New York SEO agency that understands how to protect your good name online, contact Net Advantage Media. We have the skills and expertise to help ensure that your brand image and identity are protected online.

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